Environmental Awareness
Water awareness is the most important issue in Sangola
- In the Year 2004 we constructed a mini dam with the help of experts in water conservation & local villagers. The water table rose substantially in the nearby wells and about 4000 villagers of Sangewadi got benefited with potable water & water for irrigation.
- 2016 – Water Conservation Jaldoot Project with Sevavardhini
- In 2017 At village Watambare – Through CSR funds donated by Atlas Copco and guided by Seva Vardhini a water reservoir was created having a holding capacity of 1000 cu mtr of water in Watambare village.
The problem of water scarcity has got resolved for a population of 10000 in 3 villages.
- The old percolation tank was repaired.
- An old bund was repaired.
- 2 new bunds were constructed. With Tembhu water circulation all the bunds are filled & more than 250 acres of pomegranate fields are protected & have survived.
- We constructed a drinking water tank through the donation by a foreign donor.
- At Village Gardi , The water reservoir was cleaned with help of voluntarily work of villagers & the reservoir is now supplying sufficient water. Also we constructed a drinking water tank through the donation by a foreign donor.
To avoid smoke hazards, we introduced green stoves in 2015 . Then we arranged a drive for constructing personal toilets.
To avoid smoke hazards, we introduced green stoves in 2015 . Then we arranged a drive for constructing personal toilets.
Work of water conservation at Sangewadi
To empower our rural women ( Sharada Randive)- ex Sarpanch) constructed a bund to fill up the water supply well of village Sangewadi. Sharada was successful in getting co –operation of the whole village and later on she motivated to construct five more bund on their own.
Work of water conservation at Watambare
By participating in Jaldoot training by Sevavardhini & their full co operation our Jaldoot Madhukar Pawar transformed his drought prone Watambare Village in to a green village . Not only Watambare but 3 villages nearby are becoming green( more than 10000 acres of pomogrannate fields saved).
Work of water conservation at ‘Gardi’
By cleaning the main well of water supply to village. The whole village population participated in the work because of our motivator, volunteer Datta Dhumal and scarcity of drinking water provided water tanks at 5 places.
Succes Stories

Datta Dhumal
He hails from Gardi, a small village about 25 km from Sangola.Datta is a very hard working lad with an intense desire for community service .Earning side by side he completed DED and joined private school as a teacher in Mahud. But, he had this urge to do something tangible for his own village,Gardi. So we helped him, got him trained and initiated some projects for Gardi. –
1) Free medical care for women over 40 yrs of age. 2) Reconstruction and renovation of the water well with the help of Gardi Residents 3) Development classes for teen age boys at Mahud. Datta gets an honorarium . We can see a good social worker in the making.

Sharda Randive
Sharda was 4th pass when she got married. After a year of marriage, she bought 4 utensils for her daily need and started going to work in other people’s farm. The daily wages were Rs.3. Three children were born one after the other. In 1995, women got 33% reservation in Gram Panchayat elections. The post of Sarpanch was reserved for backward class women. The people of the village urged her to stand for election and she got elected. Became the Sarpanch of Sangewadi but she was unable to understand the working. She was afraid to go to the meeting. The peon used to come to the farm to get his thumb on the cheque. One day, I received an invitation letter from Mata Balak Utkarsh Pratishthan for a ‘Panchayat Raj’ training class for the female sarpanch and members. A journey from Sangewadi to Sangola costs Rs 5. After borrowing this amount from her neighbor, she entered this class. After 1 week of training, she became so confident that she decided what to do and started a self help group for backward class women in Sangewadi. After that she completed the sewing training class in Mata Balak Utkarsh Pratishthan. She started sewing at home. Then passed 7th exam. After passing it, also gave the entrance exam of the Yashwantrao Chavan Open University.
There was a big problem of drinking water in the village. she made a new well from the panchayat grant but it did not get any water. In the village this subject became joke. People started laughing at her. She told sanjutai everything happened. In 2005, Mata Balak received a donation. From this donation, she surveyed the Sangewadi stream and with the hard work of the villagers, she took the initiative to build a dam in the stream and A Kolhapur dam was built. The dam greatly benefited the village. 22 wells on both banks were filled with water. The village became tanker free. Inspired by the first dam, the villagers have built 5 dams till this year. The situation in the village has improved a lot.
Even after the expiry of the term of Sarpanch , she still has respect in the village. She thanks for this organization that has given her the strength to survive and earn the respect of the village.