Entrepreuneunership developement 1982
Progress of infrastructure assets of Utkarsha Vidyalaya
Struggle against injustice 1990
Skill Development 1992 to 2019
Utkarsh library aided by state Goverment 1995
Various activities being conducted in comunity hall
Fund Raising
Silver jubilee Yr .2004
Construction of BUND at sangewadi 2005
Ghongadi Cluster Development Program 2007
Aroogyadoot 2008
Silver jubilee of Utkarsh Vidyalay celebretion 2008
Development Program for adolscent Girls & boys - Kishor Kishori vikas 2012
Platform for music ,art & culture Utakarsh KALAMANCH 2016
Celebreting Ruby Jubilee 2018
Water conservation project -(Jalapujan) 2018
SHG yearly Get together
Visits of respected Personalities